Quad Cortex Captures

Mesa Boogie Mark III Neural Capture Pack
Mesa Boogie Mark III (Blue Stripe)
July 14, 2021
Ampeg SVT (Blueline)
July 31, 2021

Orange Dark Terror
Capture Pack

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

High Gain

15W | JJ12AX7 Preamp Tubes | JJEL84 Power Tubes

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The amp series that pretty much launched the movement towards “lunchbox” style amps. The Orange Tiny Terror and it’s evil brother here the ‘Dark Terror’ have become iconic for their full and complex sound at amazingly low wattage.

Capture pack used by:

Routa (Finntroll)

Reviews (3)

3 reviews for Orange Dark Terror

  1. Routa (Finntroll)

    Changed from Orange Dark Terror to Quad Cortex recently for the sake of convenience while travelling by flying a lot. Wasn’t sure how close to my original Dark Terror sound I could get, but then found the ValveIR captures. Got their Dark Terror capture and it blew my mind how good it is!!! It’s just there, straight out of the box! Can’t wait to check out rest of their catalogue and play around with these awesome sounds! Highly recommended!

  2. xush (verified owner)

    Excellent captures, very accurate. Looking forward to trying the other offerings. The audio samples are a great feature, thanks for adding that! The QC is already tilted toward high-gainers, would love to see more clean/in-between tones too. thanks again! mark

  3. Andrew (verified owner)

    This sounds exactly like the Dark Terror I used to own. The ability to use the cabs that ValveIR captured or my own cabs gives a lot of versatility

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